Tuesday, June 15, 2004


baybeats has updated it's url.
band listings are up and buddhiston is playing again! :)
i can't wait for it. the crazy 3 days of running around from stage to stage and checking out bands i haven't heard of while grabbing grub,beer,smokes on the move. oh yeah, and the inpromptu moshing heh. i'm also glad sgt weener's arms are playing. i caught them while they were playing in KL and they are good. it's on the 16th,17th and 18th of july.

i'll definitely be there.
what about you?

buddhiston from last year's baybeats


this was taken when joe and i were stuck on the 2nd link for what seems like eternity. this is the view of our shoreline. all it needs now are the restless souls to wander at the shore and a boatman to ply along it to be called the river styx.