scared, scarred more than a couple of times
but you're my beautiful blistering blind find.
i felt bad turning down joe's offer to join him in heading up to KL.
i wanna get some twilight action girl action and catch up with KL friends.
and i really need a break soon. unfortunately fund deficiency got in the way and i got to work on my graduation project. ah well, i shall endure. just need to last a month or 2 more.
hopefully a decent dive trip mid year and UK year end(the bravery plays 2 days before my bday!).
bar none monday sessions are back. caught the last two songs by force vormit and they're always a joy to watch/dance/sing(Don't give up! Oh Siti don't give up!) along to. the after gig party with melvin on the decks was great due to great tunes(mew!), unabashed singing and wierd boogling. the great singapore workout should never ever be attempted to the music of Pulp. oh, drunken pals collapsing all over the place, using friends as air guitars and drunken tackle/strangle hugs also helped put everyone in the mood.
go check out the bar none sessions yeah? next week it's i am david sparkle, death of cinema and Phorous playing.
my mind and heart needs a break really soon. gah.