Friday, June 24, 2005

in some cities theres too much history coming down

after listening to samples of the doves' new album, some cities here, i got moved to buy the album. snowden is stuck on repeat mode now. thanks to don for the heads up.

health tip of the day

i love stupid office emails.

Subject : Health Benefits of Smoking

After fifteen years : your risk of heart attack and stroke is almost the same as that of a person who has never smoked

Make use of these tips both in the office as well as with your family and stay HEALTHY. Supervisors, please share this with your staff without email

The last 4 weeks we have been foucssing on smoking. The Health tips for the next 2 weeks will be focussing on eating fruits and vegetables.


Manager-Security, Health and Safety
Human Resources

so i should smoke for 15 years, stop and will be in the same physical peak condition as a non smoker? alright! i get to smoke for 6 more years before i have to quit! i shit you not. this is the mail i got.

moral of this post: ALWAYS vet your emails(running a spellcheck would be good too) before sending them out especially if it's to many recipients(eg: an entire organization). and stay HEALTHY!

batman begins rocks, radzi spins 9 at hideout and a real full blown poptart session happens at home tommorow. all this and other news at nine.