Thursday, January 20, 2005


it's been a while.
last weekend was quite a blast. gigs back to back. no pictures cos i wanted to enjoy the gigs. :P

friday was astreal at rouge. they've been keeping too low a profile these past few months and it's good to hear their noise again. it was very enjoyable except that it was held together with a uni bash and i hear 'un ones making comments like "dunno why they must have this band with stupid music on, can only dance after 12 now".

tsk tsk, no need to make such judgements kids. not happy just toodle off. we understand your tastes in music run along the lines of ashlee simpson. astreal just doesn't cut it like her do they? i don't think we can hear ginnette continue singing even if the mike died. i'm sorry if the rest of us who stayed to catch Astreal got in the way of your record giant churned out 5 minute lifespan pop music and manufactured pop clones.

saturday was george chua together with aspidistra fly at guiness theatre. i was very distracted by george's visual backdrop because it consists of marine life pictures. i was screaming "bubble coral! brittle star! staghorn coral! goosehead barnacle! nudi!" in my head. aspidistra fly was good except that it was marred by moments when the guitarist strummed his guitar to check if it's in tune, breaking the spell of darkness and her voice.

sunday....sunday bhess!
serenaide blew me away! it was their album launch at prince of wales. i have heard their songs before but this gig was good cos pheyroz was very cheeky and couldn't stop talking. the pub was packed to it's gills. there was a very good gig vibe in the air. cheap beer was also a contributing factor to the cheery mood.

tonight.. would be the localized event at zouk.
observatory would be playing at 10.30 so come on down if you can.