murderous thoughts
< rant>i seriously believe people who masticate their food with their damn holes for mouths wide open and making loud eating noises ought to be taken outside and shot(relatively quick painless death,i was considering stoning). no quarter given.
disgusting colleague who's doing it at the next comp peeked at my entry while i was typing this and has now left. hope he gets it into his head to learn some manners.
sorry bud, you didn't have to know that i was bitching about you if you weren't so disgusting to warrant a blog rant and so kaypoh in the first place! too bad if you ain't happy with how i feel cos you intruded into my aural and visual personal space first!
don't they realise it really puts people off when they can hear those disgusting sounds and SEE what their teeth are chopping up into itsy bitsy disgusting bits(which comprises of their saliva/bits of food/gravy)?< / rant>
bah. humbug. hope hello is up soon. i wanna post pix