Thursday, April 07, 2005

hantu dive 030405

went for a leisure dive at hantu last sunday. this be em pix

Glossodoris Atromarginata

i'm quite happy with this shot. this is the first one i got off with this nudibranch so i managed to get it with the gills out before it noticed me. check out the marilyn monroe beauty spot on it's right

another one i caught. check out the skirting! it looks like some flamboyant cravat on a gay tango dancer's shirt.

Phyllidia Ocellata(Phyllidiidae)

pure wierdness. no you're not tripping on acid. this is really how nature created them

polyclad flatworm thysanozoon sp

cushion star. big enough to sit on. literally

enough of nudibranchs, flatworms and echinoderms.
let's have some fish.


think tissue box with fins. that's the approximate size and look.

yellowtail barracuda

i spent nearly half a dive playing tag with these guys. they swim damn fast!
i'll chase em and lose them for a couple of seconds and they're back again darting from another direction. it was fun. next dive i'll try to keep up. :P

butterfly lovers

people usually don't notice copper banded butterfly fish because they're like the common gentry of the reef. this pair caught my attention because they were quite huge(palm sized) and just continued slowly grazing over the coral even when i finned over and started stalking them. they were quite sweet. hanging out quite closely with each other.