that's it. my funeral is gonna be loud and noisy too.
i'm down with a bad case of flu at home now.
i thought i could sleep in and recuperate but then this funeral band comes on and keeps playing from early morning till now!
it's all about the chinese thing about showing how grand the sending off's just basically a lot of pomp! and it's damn irritating!
so i've decided!
my funeral ain't gonna be some quiet send off like what i initially wanted.
it's gonna be kikass loud too.
i'll have bands come over and play at my funeral. everyone can come. bodysurfing and moshing is mandatory. there'll be stalls at the side selling beer and food in case the (sidenote: arrghh!! they just started again!!!) 'sombre' well-wishers get thirsty and hungry. and it'll be 5 days long. and i'll have my fave tracks played loud and have an area where people can boogie to em. if you can have bloody noisy chinese funeral bands i don't see why i can't have a bloody noisy funeral gig.
and of course if it's met with success then we can have one on the anniversary of my death every year and call it paulfest. Rock Nevar Dies! :P